- Super Power Beatdowns - Get ready folks, this is a long one.
- Movies - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their weird faces, Lucy and 100% of her brain, and Transcendence, or How I Learned to Stop Being Johnny Depp and Become A Computer. Also, gief Neuromancer movie, Hollywood plox.
- Someone caught the Chupacabra, or it might be a raccoon with mange.
- Dark Matter at the center of our galaxy.
- Lake Superior ain't got sh*t on Encaladeus, one of Saturn's moons. Lots of liquid water.
- Microbes have killed more life on Earth than anything else, possibly ever.
About the Predator: the plasma-cannon is capable of automatically following nearly any target, and has pretty much vaporized everything it has hit. If he hits Wolverine with it, he's almost certainly dead--at least temporarily. That said, yeah, Wolverine probably wins that fight.